
Sunday Evening Service

Galatians 3: 18 -22

I'm thankful that Jesus saved me. It's amazing how God works our salvation out so we can use our testimony to reach other  people. 

Revelation 21:7-8

We stay on being justified by faith & having faith & believe on Jesus Christ.  If we don't have faith we can be turned away to idolators, aldulterers, and anyone who will get pleasure from messing with your faith.

Faith in the father started with Abraham. When he took his son, Isaac, to be used as an offering. Because of that faith, God made a convenant with Abraham that still lives on today. 

God wants to have a relationship with us. Even when we go through the hard times.

How to have a relationship with Christ - 

  1. Having faith in God's word and promises.
  2. Open the door when He knocks
  3. Be thankful for what He does for you and what He has given you.

On day faith won't be required. but we haven'g gotten there yet. Because that will be the day Jesus comes back , and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. And those that don't will know that they were wrong.

We're incapable to saving ourselves.

Jesus is our mediator. He stands between us and God almighty.

It's easy to say and hard to do, but we're got to fight sin every day.