
Sunday Morning Service

Galatians 3:6-10

It's so important that we do this series because so many people need to understand and ehar that Jesus is the ONLY way to be saved and go to Heaven. So many people think it's through good works but they're mistaken. I preach out of the KJV, because I believe it to be the one true word of God. Even Bro. Ken teaches his Sunday School class out of the KJV. 

Abraham's faith is God was his establishment with righteousness.

The law wasn't written down until well after Abraham. 

Genesis 15: 6-7, 14-16

These verses will show how Abraham's faith in God was important to him.

God rewards us for our knowledge and trust in Him, for us knowing and believe that he is the God of the universe. Even knowing He made all the creatures of the earth and creatures in the air. He wants to have a relationship with us. He wants it through Christ Jesus. This is the age of grace.

It is a constant battel against stin for us. But God doesn't count our righteousness because our righteousness is like filthy rags. Our salvation must come through Jesus Christ. Dont' wait to know Jesus. Come to know Him NOW!!!

God is looking for the righteousness of Jesus.

Jesus is with us always. God is our shield always.

Everyone who comes to the Lord by faith are like the children of Abraham. We can't save ourselves, ONLY Jesus Christ can save us. 

Christ went to the cross for us all,  not just the ones who go to church but for the murderer on death row, the pedophile who repents, the single mother trying to raise her kids. He died for ALL  of us!

James 2:20-21

The beginning of your faith begins with your belief in Christ. God wants us to be a witness for Him, just like Abraham.