
Sunday Evening Service

Galatians 3:8-13

The Lord shows us that the ting that we need more than anything is Him. We need to be thanking Him every day for allowing us to breath in air each day we wake up. 

Jesus is waiting for all of us to build a relationship with Him. He died for us, so we should want to worship Him and be thankful. 

Many times I fail God. When He puts something on my heart to do, to witness to someone, and I'll just pass them and I will feel the conviction on my heart and will ask for forgiveness. God told Abraham that he will be blessed for his faithfulness. And He did. Because of his faithfulness, God told Abraham that he would have as many children as there are stars in the heavens. And he did. Abraham's lineage still carries on today. 

The ONLY way we can obtain salvation is through Christ. I'm not a betting man, but if I was, I would be on Christ way before I bet on Kyle. Salvation isn't works based. It's faith based.