
Sunday Morning Service

Galatians 3:1-5

There's so many people out there that will offer you a falsse doctrine and will work hard to pull you away from Jesus. but it's Jesus and only Jesus that can save your soul.

It's important that we listen to what the Bible says about how we should live. Living a holy life isn't how you get saved. Jesus is  the only way to be saved. A relationship with Jesus is how you get to know Jesus.

When it comes to false teachers and false doctrines, they add something to relationship. They're leading you down the wrong path. Dont' be fooled or bewitched into believing what these false teachers are telling you. These people don't have your best interests in heart and don't truly know Jesus Christ as their savior. They're not walking with Christ. They don't have a relationship with Christ. 

When these false teachers tell you that it's Jesus plus something, you have to rebuke their words. 

Any "church" who teaches false doctrine is a cult. Jesus is not there.

The false doctrine don't come from those who share it with you. It comes from Satan himself. Satan wants you to be seperated from God. Anything we put before Jesus in our life is a false doctrine. 

It's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and Jesus ALONE that can save you.