
Sunday Morning Service

2 Kings 5:18-27

Gehazi had a problem as Naaman did. Naaman had leprtosy and had a need on the inside. He was prideful and God saw fit to send him to Elisha to be healed of leprosy and pride. Naaman tried to pay Elisha with gold, jewels, and clothes. But God doesn't need all of that. All God requests is a relationship with us. When Naaman was healed, he realized that God is in charge. 

When God takes care of the outside, He takes care of the inside as well. What the outside body  looks like doesn't matter to Jesus. Waht matters is what's in your heart and the relationship you have with God. 

When God heals, He heals completely. Elisha didn't accpet payment from Naaman because he didn't do anything. God did the healing, and he didn't want to dilute the healing God gave.  But his servant, Gehazi, thought differently. His focus was on the wrong thing. His focus wasn't on God and the healing He gave to Naaman. It was on the riches Naaman had brought with him. Gehazi's inner problem was greed. Greed was his leprosy problem.

When I got down on my knees and called on Jesus, I had to come to Him in a different way. I had to ask Him to be my savior and accept Him into my heart. That's what God wants, not your money, He wants your love and faith. He wants a relationship with you . You can't pay your way into salvation. God knows your heart. You can't hide from God. He knows the secret sin you hide from the world, but God sees it.