
Sunday Evening Worship

2 Kings 5:15 - 27 

I'm not able to preach, teach, or witness without Jesus. We're all in need of a savior. It's important that we keep our focus on Him. 

Naaman was a leper on the outside but us, we are lepers on the inside. We hide our leprosy. Pride is a sin and will lead to the destruction of our lives. If we don't have faith in God how can we expect Him to answer our prayers?

Naaman finally decided to do what the prophet Elisha told him to do in order to heal the leprosy. When he dipped into the River Jordan 7 times, he came away rejuventaed with new skin. He was clean.

Proverbs 6:16-17 & 16:18

God hates pride. We are suppose to be without pride. Jesus is the only one who shold have been prideful, being the Son of God. But He wasn't. He let them beat Him, mock Him, torture & kill Him, because He loves us. 

Satan was full of pride and thought he was better than God. That's what got him thrown out of heaven. 

The pride of life will destroy your testimony. 

God is a loving God, but He can also hate. And He hates pride. If you want to destroy your life with Jesus then let pride take over. We need to realize that we are not in control. We all fight pride one way or another, even pastors. 

1 Timothy 3:6

It's easy to be full of pride because the devil wants you to be that way. It doesn't matter what we have in this world, it matters what we have in glory.