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Grace and Peace

Ephesians 1:1-2

Paul wants every to receive grace and peace from Jesus Christ. When he wrote this letter, "Grace be with you," is how Paul helped them ask for grace and peace. Grace comes from God through His son, Jesus Christ. Grace is part of God's attributes. Grace flows out from God. 

I don't understand how God can give His grace to a sin sick sinner like me, but He still shows His love through grace and peace.

Paul used "Grace and Peace" as a salutation. It meant more than "hello." It meant to accept all that you have and to not covet from someone else. Peace was said for both the Jews and Gentiles. Charris and Shallom = Grace and Peace.

I believe pastors are called by God not by a simmenary. We have to be inspired by God to preach The Word of God. The Holy Spirit should bein us. I belive that Paul's words were inspired by God.

Ephesians 1:3

We're blessed in Heaven through the blood of Jesus Christ. The sacrifice of Jesus gives us the grace God has for us. Grace is ony grace when we receive it.

Jesus is standing prepared to pur His love and grace on the lost. But if you're not a receiver you won't get the blessings He has for you. You have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Ephesians 2:5-9

You can't have a savior until you know you're lost. We all come short of the glory of God. We have to know we're dead. Death doesn't mean being put in a casket. If you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior,  you'll never truly understand what grace means. The word "quickened" used in this verse means to make alive. If you're dead in your sins, there is an alternative for you. You can geet right with God and let Him save you from dying and going to Hell. I was a sin sick sinner until I realized I was lost without Jesus.

When you get saved, God saves you a place in Heaven next to Jesus. What better kind of relationship can we have than a realtionship with the Lord Jesus Christ? One day we will see those we miss. I will get to see my daddy again and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

We think we know what grace is about, but you won't know what grace truly is until we get to the other side. "The ages to come" means eternity. The Bible says, "the dead in Christ shall rise", and the church living in Christ will be called up with them. The intention of telling others about Jesus must come from the love of God. Jesus completely justified us by His sacrifice.

Faith is the doorway but it's grace that saves us. It's by the grace of God but it's through the faith that we accept it. 

It won't be easy all the time but by God's grace He will save us. God doesn't care if your from deathrow, if you have Jesus in your heart, and a relationship with Jesus, He says, "enter in thy good and faithful servant." But if you don't have a relationship with Jesus, you won't feel the grace of God. 

We are born in sin but the only way we are justified is through the blood of Christ. If it wasn't for the grace, he would've given up on us a long time ago. If it wasn't for the grace, I'd be heading to hell. It's God's grace that will allow me to see all the ones I've lost. 

You can't work your way into heaven. Jesus is the only one who could follow God's law to the letter. It's a relationship with Jesus that matters and we should boast about it and priase Him. You're relationship with Joe down the street won't get you into Heaven. Only a relationship with Jesus will. 

We need to spread the good news message to others. Help others to have a relationship with Jesus.

We all have to be willing to receive Jesus. Jesus never says, "you're not worthy." Jesus said He loves us through His sacrifice.