
Sunday Evening Worship

Romans 8:5-11

Galatians 5:16-22

This morning we talked about how important for Christians to walk in the spirit. We are to set the example for those who don't know Jesus yet to follow. Those who are lost are suppose to see Jesus in everything we do. 

If your mind wanders, and it goes out into the things of this world, you're not of the spirit. But when you start thinking of, things of the spirit, of higher things, then we're walking in the spirit. God said, we would get "peace of life" for following the spirit.

when I slow down in reading the word of God and let my mind wander to the desires of the world, I can feel the world pulling on my flesh. 

What we need to do to walk in the spirit:

  1. Read the Bible
  2. Pray without ceasing
  3. Fellowship with other Christians

Satan can't give you anything but death. That's all this world really has to offer, death. 

How many times in a day, do you go without thinking about to talking to Jesus?

Galatians 5:16

Spiritually minded                                                                 Fleshly minded

love                                                                                                   Adultery

joy                                                                                                      fornication

peace                                                                                                 uncleanness

longsuffering                                                                                 lasciviousness

gentleness                                                                                         idolatry

goodness                                                                                          witchcraft

faith                                                                                                     hatred

meekness                                                                                          variance

temperance                                                                                      emulations









If we're not fighting against sin, we're not living in the spirit.