
Sunday Morning Worship

1 John 3:1-2

Genesis 5:1-2

John 3:16

Ephesians 4:29-30

We always talk about what Jesus did. From Genesis to Revelations it all points to what Jesus did. He took on the sins of the world from Adam to the end of the world. He went to the cross to pay this debt for everyone. But in 3 days,  He walked out of a borrowed tomb without a mark on Him, other than the holes in His hands, feet, and side. 

We don't serve a dead God, we serve a living God for what He did for us. He's alive today and is constantly at work in our lives. Buddah is dead, the Dolly Llama died, Mohummad is dead as well. The only living God who defeated death is Jesus Christ. 

Many people have died but none have resurrected other than Jesus. Many have been resusitated but only Jesus was resurrected. 

Too many times do we take light, what God does for us. God has done so much for each of us and there's so much that we don't even know about that God has done for us. 

In 1 John 3:1-2, we see that the Father loves us. We are join heirs to the throne. God does so much for us, but the first and foremost is that He made us in His image. Today, He's still building His family. He wants a BIG family to rule in Heaven with Him.  The family of God is called the Church.

When we ask the Lord, Jesus to save us, the Holy Spirit enters into us and dwells in our hearts. You can't save your soul yourself. ONLY Jesus can save your soul. You can't unsave your soul. God is eternal. 

Jesus is saving souls today, one soul at a time. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past. It matters what you're doing now to accept Christ.  Even today, He's praying to His father for us. 

Romans 8:27, 34-35

Why does Christ make intercession for us? Because He loves us, even today. He still loves us, through our falts and our sins.  Death can't even seperate us from God once we've been saved. 

John 14:2-3

He's gone to build a mansion for us. When does eternal live start? When we ask Jesus to save our souls.