
Sunday Evening Worship

Matthew 28:16-20

Acts 1:7-8

What is the Great Commission? This is the instruction that Jesus gave His disciples and to us; to go out "teach and baptize in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost."  Jesus is alive today and is waiting for us to finish THE GREAT COMMISSION.

Why is it important for us as Christians to tell others about Jesus? God wants a BIG family and the more we share the message, the closer someone else comes to knowing God. When you get saved, that's the closest you'll get to Jesus until he calls us home. 

The number of non-believers or athiests are on the decline today. But still there are those who are still dying and going to hell. We need to be sharing the gospel so that declining number can still keep declining. Remember the day you got saved, and satan will flee from you every time. He can't stand the blood.  But still people reject God, The say I never knew about Him. It's an excuse Satan gives them.

Use your Bible when witnessing to others. 

What reading your Bible does for you: (There has been a survey of people from the ages of 8 - 80.)

  1.  when reading your Bible feeling lonely dropped 30%
  2. when reading your Bible feeling anger dropped 32%
  3. when reading your Bible feeling bitterness in relationships dropped 40%
  4. when reading your Bible alcoholism dropped 57%
  5. when reading your Bible having sex outside the marriage dropped 68%
  6. when reading your Bible feeling spiritually stagnet dropped 66%
  7. when reading your Bible viewing pornography dropped 62%
  8. when reading your Bible sharing your faith after reading grew 200%
  9. when reading your Bible discipling grew 230%

When you want to help someone with any problem, get them reading the word of God.  Read a Proverb a day. Today is the 15th - read Proverbs 15.

Jesus wants to bless us, but if we're not going to turn our backs on sin, He's going to go somewhere else. He's pleading with us now.