
Sunday Morning Worship

Ephesians 4:11-16

2 Peter 3:18

Revelation 3:15-16

Do you like to settle for something? Do you get something in your mind that you want but have to settle for something? I wanted a fast car, but God seen fit to put me in a family car. That ain't so bad because I love my family. but it takes time, effort, and hard world to achieve something. But so many people settle for less and get envious of others. We need to be thankful for everything God has given us. So many ask Jesus to settle for less that we want to give. But Jesus wants it all, our concerns, worries, and achievements. Jesus wants full custody of our soul and not weekend visitations. He wants us all week, every day, not part time. He took on the debt we owe for our sins willingly without being asked.  He did that for us. I can speak for myself, I don't deserve Him. We need to give Him 100% of our lives and thankfulness. He even deserves 100% of our finances but He settles for 10%. 

I don't want an average relationship with Jesus. We need to get back to God. We as a country need to get on our hands and knees and get back to God and ask Him for forgiveness. We're all guilty of doing the bare minimum but we need to do more for Jesus. 

Jesus gave us some prophets, apostles, evangelists, and pastors and teachers. These are the gifts God gave to help us understand what we needed to do as Jesus did. 

God doesn't allow us to just get by with doing the bare minimum. He allows us to grow as christians.

mediocrity = average or below ordinary

I don't know about y'all but I don't want to be a mediocre Christian. It takes work to mature as Christians. I want an awesome relationship with God. 

How to mature as a Christian:

  1.  Watch out for the wrong crowd. Don't hang around with those who will bring you down from your christian walk.
  2. Stay in the word. If you only come to the services when the doors open, Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday evening, you are anemic. You need to read the word of God. How can you grow in grace and knowledge if you don't read the word?
  3. Be careful of who, what, and how you worship. There's churches that don't preach out of the word of God. There's false prophets that like to tickle your ears. But that's not what God introduced us to be. 

Matthew 6:33 - Seek ye first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

We need to put our focus back on seeking Christ first and foremost. we might have to struggle here, spiritually, financially, or physically but one day the sound will come that will announce His coming and He will give us rest. 

Eventually God will get your attention. And sometimes it can be in a harsh way.