
Sunday Evening Worship

Ephesians 4:13-16

Revelations 3:15-16

It's important that we stay in the Bible, in the word of God. The words of the apostales that God sent to be with Jesus are still true and apply in today's world, just as it did in Jesus' time. Jesus doesn't want us to be mediocre Christians. He wants us to be above average in our relationship with Him.

It's great when you're faithful to your spouse, your kids, family, friends, etc. But you should look at why you're not faithful to Jesus. Whey aren't you faithful to church? What excuses does the devil give you that keeps you out of church and getting fed the word of God?

How do you mature as a Christian?

  1.  You have to read more of the word of God.
  2. You have to pray without ceasing
  3. You have to read your Bible some more.
  4. You have to witness to others
  5. You have to read your Bible some more
  6. You have to worship in a Bible believing, Jesus teaching church.
  7. You have to read your Bible some more. 

You have to stand for something, or you'll fall for everything. Stand on the word of God so you can mature. We should strive to grow up to be like Jesus.