
Sunday Morning Service

2 John 1:7-11

Compromising in our beliefts is a big deal. If we don't stand up for the things that affect our children, we're failing not just our children but Jesus. Being a Christ centered Christian, we should be putting Jesus first in all aspects of our lives. We need to stop compromising as christians, the things the Bible teaches us is right. We have to stop being complacent.

One thing we shouldn't be compromising on is our beliefs.

How important is it that we don't compromise?

What John is saying in these verses is that the world wants you to think that there is no power in the blood of Christ, that there is no power in the name of Jesus. They want you to believe that there's no deity in the body of Christ. There's only one way to ge to heaven and that's through Jesus Christ. 

We all fall short of the glory of God. Jesus was the only one who could pay for our sins. There's no such thing as a little sin. Sin is in. You can hide it all you want but Jesus knows it all There's not compromising against sin. Sin is sin is sin. If you're not fighting sin, then we're making compromises in our relationship with Jesus. 

I wonder about the "preachers" who will "preach" but will not one time open the word of God. There are versions of the Bible out there, but none as reliable as the KJV. That's what we preach and teach out of here. Those other versions omit verses that needs to be in there. 

If you're not saved by Jesus Christ, I'm here to tell you, that you are going to go to Hell. I don't know about you, but I don't want to get into heaven by the skin of my teeth. I want Jesus to open the gates and welcome me with open arms and celebration.

Remember the day of your salvation and what Jesus did for you. Salvation isn't a repeat after you promise, it's a relationship with Jesus. If God put something on your heart to do, do it with the full blessing of God. Staying away from prayer will isolate you from God. If you only pray/worship on Sundays and Wednesdays, you are anemic. You should be praying all the time without ceasing. We should be witnessing to others. 

You have to be faithful to church. Don't let excuses the devil hits you with keep you from being in church. Don't have any association with anything or anyone that is not biblical. When you accept these compromises, it weakens your relationship with Jesus.