
Sunday Evening Service

2 John 1:9-11

I'm so glad I'm saved. And everyone is welcome. We want everyone to come listen to the gospel message. 

How important is reading the word of God! This is how God speaks to us. 

Transgresseth = going to the extremem in something. People are doing that now. Cults are known for doing that. Telling us we can only worship on certain days. I think we should worship God every day. There's so many people out there that will tell you only they know how to worship Jesus. WE need to stand up against this type of blasphemy.

We don't fight against flesh and blood. We fight against spiritual principalities. Jesus is sitting on His throne in glory and constantly going to the father and telling Him that He paid for our sin debts.

If someone knocks on your door and wants to teach to you about their bible, but if they have no notion to talk about the word of God and Jesus Christ's doctrine, don't let them in. Even through the TV, social media, etc. We have compromised our relationship. Don't let anyone seperate you from the purity of Christ Jesus. 

If we support something, we need to make sure that it's for Jesus and not something that seperates you from Jesus. Coming to church and being faithful in church is important. It will bring a joy unto you. 

B asic

I nstructions

B efore

L eaving 

E arth

We're too worried about offending other people, we're so worried about offending the LGBTQ+ people but we don't say anything about them offending JESUS. We need to stop compromising. We need to get together as christians and stand up for what is right: standing on the word of God.