
Sunday Morning Service

Colossians 1:15-23

John 14:15

Who are we? The church ain't the building. It's in the heart of the worshippers. We have church with our teachings. We are the bride of Christ. Not just those of us here today but everyone who follow Christ. It's important that we share the gospel with every we come in contact with. Everything we do, say, and how we live should be centered aroudn christ. WE always say "Jesus first" but it's easy to say. Are we living it?

There's certain things we must do to put Jesus first in our lives. 

  1.  Jesus said (John14:15) "if ye love me, keep my commandments." We're suppose to be an image of Christ. We're suppose to follow Him in every shape, form, or fashion. In Chapter 1 of Colossians - Paul is writing a letter to the church in Colosse. All things were created for the glory of God. Not for the self-pats on the back.

Everything God does is in perfect order. Jesus loves you so much that He will never force you to love Him.  He will allow you to reject Him. But with rejection comes the pits of Hell. God don't send anyone to Hell. We send ourselves to Hell. Because we have a choice. And I can tell you,  you're dying and going to Hell,  if you don't accept Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior. Jesus wants to bless us with the things we don't even deserve. Is God preeminent or prominent in your life?

The worst thing Jesus went through was when He had to be seperated from His father. The beatings were bad, carrying the cross to Galgotha was bad, being crucified was bad, but what hurt Him the most wsa when God had to turn His head away. 

What happens if we're not born again? Well, when we die that's when we go to judgement. If you don't know Jesus, He will tell you to depart from me.