
Sunday Morning Service

Acts 10:34-48

What a great way to start our service, with a baptism. No matter what condition our world is in, Jesus is still saving souls.

God's word is true. There's no mistakes in the word of God. Every comma and dot is there for a reason. God gave us His world so we can edify our own walk with Christ. It's easy to go to church and talk about Jesus, but when you go out in the world that don't seek Jesus, that's a different ball game. But Jesus knows who needs Him and the Holy Spirit will draw the lost to Jesus. It don't matter what they're wearing or what they look like. What matters is their hearts to Jesus. 

We don't need to condemn others because they might not look or talk like we do. All you need to do is ahre the good news message and invite them to know Jesus. 

Turn your eyes on the outside off  and your eyes on the inside on. There's no difference between you and them. When you point at someone, you're pointing three back at yourself. Jesus can saves us all. I'm so glad that Jesus doesn't look at the outside. God is not a respecter of persons - meaning He's impartial. He wants your heart and soul, not your popularity.

Thank God that He accepts us as we are. Jesus loves you enough that He died on the cross. Jesus won't be put down by anybody. But we need to thank God that He knows us. 

I don't believe in Calvinism. John 3:16 says "whosoever" for a reason. Jesus don't care what kind of house you live in, or car you drive, or how much money is in your bank account. Jesus wants everyone!!!

"No man comes to the father except through me" - words of Jesus.

Vrs. 44 - When you preach the word as Peter did, the Holy Ghost will fall on those who are ready and willing to accept Him. Pray for everyone without ceasing. Share your testimony.