
Sunday Morning Service

Matthew 28:16-20

Acts 1:6-8

We all have to go through some times of correction.

What is The Great Commission? Sometimes we get confused in our christian walk as to what it is. But what it is is the command by Jesus to go share the gospel with someone else. 

Not only do we need to do it here in the sanctuary, but we need to do it in our community.  Does The Great Commission apply today? If salvation is the same now as it was then, then we need to do what was commanded 2,000+ years ago. 

When I got saved, I wanted to tell everyone what Jesus did for me. And we should all feel that way. 

Jesus made His mark in a place where today we would never expect Christ to be worshipped. His mark is still making waves across the world to touch millions of people all over the world. 

Death ain't the end, it's the beginning of eternity. Satan gets you distracted in this world by ruining your testimony or letting you witness to people. He does this by getting you caught up in what this world has. 

Are we doing all that we can to share the good news message of Jesus? I'm preaching to myself this morning because I know I could and should be doing more to share the message of Christ. 

Nothing matters more in this life than your salvation. 

Answer this question - Whose church is this anyways?

When you walk into a convienence store, do you let people see Christ through you? We should be talking to them about Christ. We should be walking like we're supposed to. We should be bringing people, not to Kyle or Bro. Ken, but to the Cross. While they have every opportunity to change their mind, we should be witnessing to others. They should see the change in me.