
Sunday Morning Service

John 2:23-25

Johyn 3:1-7

Everyone is welcome to come listen to the gospel of our salvation which is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This past week, I've had a lot of time to reflect. Whenw e make plans that's when we fail. But when we rely on Jesus that's when we succeed. We wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for the blood of Jesus. The world will pull you away from God every chance it gets. If you don't know Jesus by the end of this sermon, I pray that you will. We need to know where Jesus was and what was going on. 

Jesus never made a mistake. Even when people would try to trick Him. 

Nicodemus really wanted to know Jesus. He wanted to ask Jesus questions, and before he could ask the important question, Jesus answered him anyways.

Jesus was way more than just a teacher. 

Religion don't get you to heaven. It don't matter if you're baptist, catholic, or whatever. There's nothing else that can get you to heaven but being born again by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 

If you don't accept Him as your savior, when you stand before God, there's only one of two ways you can go: Heaven or Hell. Works will not get you to Heaven. Salvation has nothing to do with what you do down here on Earth.

This flesh will be cast aside one day, if you think you can get by with your works, you should know many, many people tried and failed to do that very thing.

We need to be looking for a relationship with Jesus. Jesus wants full custody of you, not weekend visitation.