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Sunday Evening Service

We had a power outage that evening, so youtube went down, but the video is on our facebook page if you'd like to watch the service. 

John 3:6-11

He was a leader in the Pharisees rank.

It's not religion that saves you or the fact that you're a good person, you pay your tithes, or do good works, doesn't save you. It's the blood of Jesus is what saves you. 

Only Jesus was the only perfect person to walk in this world and the next. He was tempted just like we get tempted. Being absent from this body means to be present with the Lord Jesus. But what side do you want to be on? The affirmed side where He tells you to enter in or the other side where He tells you to depart from Him?

Vrs 11 - means: I've seen it, I've told you about it, and you still turn away from it.

When we get to Heave, God will give us a new glorified body. This earthly body will remain here on this world. 

Our flesh is corrupt, our problems are not God's fault. It's our fault. There's nothing about the flesh that will give us a new nature.

If you turn yor back on the holy spirit too many times, God will stop asking you to accept Jesus as your savior. God won't force you to have a relationship with Him. Don't let your back turn to God if He's shown you wnat you to need to know. I've tried everything to fill the hole in my spirit but the only thing that fills that hole is Jesus.