
Sunday Morning Service

Galatians 3:26-29

These last verses really teaches us something. 

What we've learned: 

  1. We can't live/fulfill the law
  2. The law taught, we can't save ourselves.

If you're not fighting the devil, I'd be questioning my salvation if I was you. The devil will give you all kinds of excuses to not come to church, pray, or read your Bible.  We need Jesus every single moment of every single day of our lives. God's not a part-time parents, He wants full custody of you. 

John 3:17

There's not other way except through Christ Jesus to obeain salvation and get eternity with Him.

V. 26 - It's through Jesus that we are a child of God. He's saying we're born to the king. We're all adopted into the family of God. Moses was considered a servant of God. David was a servant of God. 

Joshua 1:2

But the blood of Christ makes us children of God. He's our father because of the blood Jesus spilled at the cross. 

Romans 8:16-17

Be thankful we are saved and are made joint-heirs to the throne of God. We're not worthy but He accepts us anyways. We're no longer outcasts, but part of the royal family of God. We should be thankful.

He's always there for us. No matter the circumstances. He'll never leave us. 

If we don't have the blood of Christ, then we're not family. If you belive in witchcraft, for example, then you're of the devil. But I want you to come to Jesus and be adopted into the family of God. 

When you got saved, if you're truly a born again christian, then the Holy Spirit moved into your heart. When you stand before God, He doesn't look at you, He looks at Jesus. Jesus is what makes us worthy to enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

What your outer appearance looks like doesn't mean a hill of beans to God. What matters is if you're saved by the blood of Jesus. Seperation due to race, or color is from the pits of Hell. CRT and KKK are all from the pits of Hell. Jesus teaches us that we're all the same in the eyes of God. 

The world/devil likes to put an emphasis on division. God doesn't. He puts an emphasis on if we're saved.  Jesus said He was going to prepare a mansion for us. That means He's going to come back.

How was Abraham justified in the old testament? Buy faith. How are we justified? By faith in Christ Jesus.

If you don't believe in Jesus, He will tell you to depart from Him for He never knew you. What matters is the decisions we make while we're on earth. If we don't accept Christ, we're not saved.

How to get saved:

  1. admit you're a sinner. We're lost without Jesus.
  2. Believe on salvation. That Jesus is the only way to be saved.
  3. Confess our sins to Jesus Christ.
  4. Ask Him to save us. 

Romans 10:9-10