
Sunday Evening Service

Matthew 18:1-6, 14

Luke 2:41-45

There's no definite time to be saved. Jesus was 12 when He started preaching in the temple. I don't believe there is a set age that God speaks to a person. 

2 Timothy 3:15

Brought up by his grandma & mama.

This is what we're suppose to be doing at VBS next week.  The Holy Spirit is the one that draws a person to salvation, young or old. We're suppose to give themthe knowledge and an understanding of what Jesus did for them. 

As adults we want to know who will be in charge when we get to heaven. We want to know the pecking order. But that doesn't work that way with Jesus. God will call the child when it's time. But we get in the way sometimes. We have to let God handle the child and share the gospel with the children. Even for children there has to be a rebirth.  A child's soul is so precious to Jesus that if someone messes with that chil's soul that person will be dealing with Jesus. 

John 6:44

When we're talking to the kids at VBS it's like molding clay. Jesus will show us how to mold them to accept Him.

What to look for when dealing with a child who you're leading them to Jesus.

  1. Understanding that it's our responsibility to train them up in the word, understanding of sin and the gospel. Ask a lot of questions, to know they understand what they're doing.
  2. Look for the conviction of the holy spirit. Teach them the whole word of God and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.  Make sure they are fully ready. But do not pray in their place/for them. They need to pray.
  3. They must have repentence on their hearts.

Make sure they understand, make sure they're serious, and make sure they have repentence.

The key is NOT to talk for them but to let them talk for themselves.