
Sunday Morning Service

Galatians 3:22-29

There is no other way under the sun that anyone can get to Heaven except by Jesus Christ. People look all different kinds of ways to achieve salvation; works, visitations, paying tithes, etc. But the ONLY way is through Jesus Christ and the blood that ws shed by Him on the cross. 

Being justified by faith is not something I came up with. That's something that came to be in Abraham's time. God perfected justification by sending His son down to die on the cross to save us from our sins.

So many times we ask, "what about me?" But that's now how we are suppose to think or ask. What about Jesus?

Galatians 3:22 - the promise of faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. 

God don't make mistakes. God is the only one who makes the Bible correct and true. We have to align ouselves with the word of God. We can't even live by The Ten Commandments. We would fail if we tried. The law proves that we are in need of a savior. 

The mirror is the word of God. We have to adjust the reflection of self to align with the Word of God. We have the Lord's Supper because Jesus told us to. He said, "Do this in rememberance of me."

He knew what He was going to go through and He did it anyways. That's the love Christ has for us. 

  1. Mercy seat - Jesus hands out mercy to us.
  2. Sacrificial system - nothing was good enough
  3. Veil - Between us and God; Jesus ripped the veil when He died.

We're not able to fulfill the law.

Schoolmaster - someone who brought the children to the school and left them in the hands of the educatator (Greek translation/definition).

The law brought us to the necessary place to bring us to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

The Old Testament points forward to the cross. The New Testament points back to the cross. 

God knows everything that's going on with us and sometimes we get what we deserve.