
Sunday Morning Service

Galatians 2:15-21

We don't need anything other than Jesus for our salvation. Our salvation starts and eneds with Christ. It's not anything that we do. WE can't do anything to pay Jesus back for dying for us. 

Justification  means to be made holy or just.

One day we all will stand before God in Judgement. He looks for the blood of Jesus on our souls. IF He doesn't see it, He will tell us to depart from Him.

1. We are incapable of saving ourselves. Only throught he blood of Christ can we be saved.

2. We are not justified by the law. 

ONLY  Jesus can save you. Jesus is the ONLY way we can be justified. Either you live for God or don't, God doesn't take lukewarm Christians.

It's not Jesus plus something that saves you. It's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus alone, that saves you.

Until we acknowledge that Jesus is the only way to be saved, we will run amuck with out lives. 

No man, woman, or child will be justified by the law. There is nothing you can do, no amount of money you can pay that will get you to Heaven. Through the blood of Christ, can you be saved. And only if you're saved, can you go to Heaven.