
Sunday Morning Service

Galatians 1:6-10

Too many people are out there perverting the word of God. that's why we stick to Jesus. You can't change Jesus. 

Paul wrote Galatians about 40-50 years after Jesus was crucified. And he was still on fire for Jesus. We believe Jesus is the ONLY way to get saved. The ONLY way to Heaven is on the promise of Jesus Christ. 

God calls who He wants into the ministry. He equips the called,  He doesn't call the equipped. 

Paul wrote these letters strictly to the Galatian churches. Because they charted a new course based on works and not faith. It's the blood of Christ that saves you. Nothing else, no other name, can save you except Jesus Christ. If you're truly saved today by the grace of God, that salvation is forever.

We were born sinners, and unless you get right with God and saved by Jesus, we will die sinners and will wake up in Hell.

Sin is sin is sin is sin in God's eye. Saying you have to add something to the gospel is wrong.