
Sunday Evening Service

Galatians 1:6-10, Revelations 3:15

Jesus is always there, He never leaves, We leave Him. He is a friend who is always knocking on the door waiting for you to let Him in.

The people of Galata perverted the word or the gospel of Christ by preaching that you could get saved by workds and not just by faith. But Paul wrote these letters, explaining about how wrong they truly are. You can be saved by faith in Christ alone. Through that faith in Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven.

When God calls you home, it doesn't matter what you're doing at the time, how old you are, what your health is like, God will call you and you have no choice but to answer. 

If we don't believe by faith, then we have a problem.

Now is the time to call on Jesus and get right with Him before it is too late.