
Sunday Morning Service

1 Peter 5:6-11

Jesus wants us to have that powerful spiritfilled life and prayer life with Him. As a pastor and Christian, I always want to be in God's will. But I fail all the time. But I desire to be in the will of God. It's always a blessing to be in the will of God. There's some things that we can do to get us back to a powerful, spiritfilled prayer life. 

  1. Humble yourself - It's better if you humble yourself before God humbles you Himself. You need to surrender the things of this world if you want a spiritfilled life with God. If we don't humble ourselves, God will humble us. It don't always take much. Sometimes it's the loss of a precious loved one that will cause people to be humbled.
  2. Cast all your care upon Him- He wants to bear your burdens for you. No matter what it is. He wants you to love God first before ALL others. God is in charge of our lives. We can't do it alone.
  3. Be sober and vigilent - Satan wants you to fail. He wants you to not witness and not come to church. If you don't get back to surrendering to God, He will get your attention. Picture what/who you love the most, God will take it away. One way or another, He will be first in your life. Be faithful to church, honor God.
  4. Resist steadfast in the faith - Hold steadfast to the word of God. Not a watered down version, but the real, true word of God. 

Do these things if you want a strong, spiritfilled life. 

Admist you're a sinner, believe Jesus can save you, confess your sins, Remember Jesus is the ONLY WAY to Heaven.