
Sunday Morning Service

Exodus 12:5-13, 23

We have to believe that the blood of Christ will saves us not just from Hell but from ourselves. How sweet Heave will be; no more pain, no more tears, no more sorrow, no more troubles or worries.

What Jesus did when He died on the cross won the war. His blood is absolutely sufficient for your salvation.

The blood covenant was called "The passover" in the book of Exodus. Then lamb is required to be without blemish and that is because God deserves the absolute best of what we have. You don't give God your leftovers. He deserves your absolute best in all things. 

The blood is important because it is what keeps you safe. The instructions God gave to the Israelites in Egypt is a map of what God knew that would happen to Jesus.

  • Take a lamb without blemish = Jesus
  • Kill the lamb = crucifixion
  • The blood on the door posts will keep your safe = The blood of Christ is the ONLY way to be saved.

We're not worthy of Jesus' sacrifice, but He didn't go to the cross because we were worthy. he wen't because He was worthy. His blood makes us worthy of eternal life in Heaven. 

All that's required of us is to be covered with the blood of Christ to enter in the Kingdom of Heaven.

When God is dealing with your soul, there's nothing you can do but get ready.

If you know Jesus today, you need to listen, because maybe God is knocking to put you where you ought to be.

God gives us every opportunity to ask for forgiveness and to be washed in the blood, to save our souls. 

When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, there is a peace that overcomes you. You have to have faith in the blood and what God instructs us to do.