
Sunday Morning Service

Exodus 12:7, 13, 23

The Passover is important.

If you put your "Jesus goggles" on you will see how every verse in the Bible points to the cross. Which proves that Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation. Even from the beginning with Adam and Eve blood was shed. Animals for the hide for clothes, Cain shed Able's blood, etc.

God made the blood at passover as a covenant. Jesus gave His Blood for us willingly. By His blood we were made whole. Blood pays the price when we sin. Remission of sins takes the blood sacrifice.

Don't you know that He loved you so much that He gave His life for us. We do't need to change the Bible, we need to change ourselves. We don't fix the Bible, the Bible fixes us. 

The first passover was in Egypt when God told Moses to tell those who believed in Him to take the blood of a lamb and strike it on the two side posts and over the door way. "For the Lord will pass through and will smite all the firstborn in the land. But when I see the blood over your door, I will pass over you."

Life eternal began when you accepted Jesus as your savior. We left the bondage of sin when we got saved. 

Remember the day God saved you. That is the most important thing that happened in your life on earth. Everyone is accountable to THE Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

The blood covenant of passover points to the cross.

Exodus 12:5

Jesus was perfect; Had no blemish (He committed no sin). He was the firstborn male (only begotten Son of God).

 We need to be thankful for the blood Jesus gave to save us. 

Husbands/fathers, we are the spiritual leader of our households. We are responsible for the spiritual well being of our households.