
Sunday Evening Service

Acts 4:23-31

This morning in Sunday School we were in Psalm 2 and we learned how people were rebeling against Christ. We learned it is a prophetic scripture. And it's coming true today.

If there is anything that I would want to work on in my christian walk is prayer. We have some awesome prayer warriors in this church and I'm thankful for our prayer warriors.

A Prayer for boldness.

The cross is offensive to some people but we need to be bolder in our Christian walk and we need to be bolder in our prayers. The blood of Christ is what saves us and through prayer we can go boldly to the throne of God.

Satan don't want you to pray. he doesn't want you to go to church. But Jesus gave himself up to be mocked, beaten, crucified, and stabbed for us. When He said, "It is finished" He won the war and the devil knows it. If you don't know Jesus, this is the best you'll ever have, this earth right here.

Recipe for church:

  1. Prayer
  2. Preaching God's Word
  3. Singing God's word

All comes together to make a church

Jesus first. make sure you know that Lord. God to church. Be faithful. Pray without ceasing. Be of one accord - Preach, teach, sing, and witness Jesus.