
Sunday Evening Service

Matthew 26:69-75

Matthew 10:33

Mark 14:66-12

Luke 22:34-61

John 18:15-27

Peter denied Jesus three times and God still used him. The little battles from Baal, Islam, or even non-believers don't matter, because when Jesus said, "it is finished," while on the cross, that signified that He won the war.

We serve a Living God.

Jesus told Peter when He was arrested, that he would deny Him three times before the cock crowed. Peter was adament about saying he didn't know Jesus. But when the cock crew, he remember that he denied Jesus jsut as He said he would. 

Jesus is with us always, there's no reason to deny Him.

How we deny Jesus:

  1. We deny Him in our daily lives
  2. We deny Him in our devotion
  3. We're divided among Christians, Baptists, Catholics, etc. All say their Bible is right and none of the others are.

I'm a baptist because I believe what baptists believe. But i stand on the word of God. I preach and teach out of the KJV. It's authorize by God Himself. 

Strengthen your Christian walk by:

  1. Praying - talk to God
  2. Read the Word of God
  3. Be faithful to church
  4. Witness to others who don't or do know Jesus.