
Sunday Morning Service

John 4:20-25

Last weekend we had Revival and it goes on and on this week we're talking about worshipping.

Sometimes we can get confused about who to worship. Don't worship the pulpit, the person behind the pulpit, or the song or the person singing the songs. Don't worship the little 'g' gods, we should be worshipping The God, the Big 'G' God. 

Worship is the act of deep love and respect for God.

We got caught up in worshipping a song or whatever we put in front of us. We need to be thankful for everything that God has given us. Regardless if you worship God or I do, either way God will be worshipped.

John 4:19-26

Jesus is still saving souls today, even in persecuted countries. Everyone has heard the story of the woman and the well and these verses are the end of the story. Jesus ain't just a prophet. He is God the father in the flesh. We need to be thankful that He's watching us every single day. 

We need to get back to putting God first in all that we do. Jesus is not just a prophet, He is who we need to worship. We deny Him. I denied Him so many times but He never turned His back on me. And I believe that he's not turned his back on our country. We need to turn our backs on sin and Satan and remember who we serve. 

We need to introduce and reintroduce Jesus into our community. We all are responsible to be a witness to the people in our community. Don't let it be said that we don't worship Jesus at NHBC.

Jesus is the only way to get to Heaven. You can't work enough to get to Heaven. You can't pay any amount of money to get to Heaven. You can only get to Heaven through Jesus Christ.

Truth - doing something for the right reasons.

Worship the father in Spirit and in truth. 

When I realized that I needed God in my life, that's when there was a conversion in my life. We need to remember that God is still on the throne today.