
Sunday Evening Service

Acts 13:22

I don't know about you, but I want a one-on-one relationship with Jesus. We do that with a strong prayer life. Even in the days of Abraham, Noah, and Moses, they talked to God. He wants us to be humbled enough to get on our knees and thank Him for all He has done.

David is the man after God's own heart with his prayers. He was a great example of a man of prayer. 

Elements of prayer that motivated David I hope will motivate you to becoming a prayer warrior:

1.) Communication - talking to the Lord. We need to talk to God for more than when we need something. Thank Him for His blessings. it's a priviledge to say that you know the King of Kings.

2.) Listen - We need to listen to what God is communicating to us. Through the scriptures is a sure fire way out knowing what God is telling you. It's true, correct, and perfect in every way.

3.) Obey - we need to obey what God's got to tell us. 

Why is our christian walk not where it needs to be? Because we don't talk to God, we don't listen to Him and we don't obey what He has to say. 

Sins have consequesences. David found that out when God took the child home that David had with Bethsheba. 

God knows best. We can have so many problms but if we talk to God, He would work them out. 

Psalms 109:4-5

Whatever the problem is we need to turn it over to God.

Psalms 100:4

How can we praise Him and thank Him if we're not praying?

James 5:16 - Be thankful for those that pray for you.

1 Thesselonians 5:16-17