
Sunday Morning Service

I stand on the old ways of revival. We need to stand on the "old ways." If we're not ready for the blessings of God they will go over our heads. God wants to bless us, but we have to open our hearts and minds to receive those blessings.

Psalms 85:1-13

It was written just after the Babylonian captivity. Babylon sent a lot of people to Jeursalem to steal the healthy people and brought them back to Babylon.

The people of Jeursalem were protected by God but because they were worshipping idols and not following the commandments, God allowed the Babylonians to kidnapp those people.  Sometimes you've got to tear down in order to build up. The sick and weak were left to die.

Sometimes God will knock you off your high horse to build you up. 

God is still saving souls today. His blood was sufficient over 2, 000 years ago and it's still sufficient today.

To be ready for revival you must first admit that you need God to save you.

Isaiah 64:6

God will do a work in you as He did in me. We need to remember God's favor.

We don't deserve to be blessed but He loves us enough to save us. Even during the worse trials and tribulations, He is with you. He will leave the 99 to go save the 1. 

If you can't remember how good God is, then go back to the day that you got on your knees and asked God to save you. That day is the greatest day you'll ever have in your entire life. He bought us with His life. 

I'm glad God doesn't look at me and what I've done to see salvation. He looks to Jesus. Thank God for the blood.

We need to acknowledge that the Lord has forgiven us and saved us. We need to be thankful for His forgivness and all He's given us and done for us.

To fear God means to revere and respet Him not to be afraid of Him. We have to stand on the word of God. There is power in the authority of the word of God.