
Sunday Evening Service

Romans 2:1-10

Chapter 1 talks about the unrighteousness of man. When someone isn't living for God, you want to shake a stick at them. But what we should be doing is getting down on our knees for them. 

We're not talking about salvation in Chapter 2. We're talking about sin. Instead of judging those who you see or know are committing sin, we should be lifting them up in prayer. We are being condemned because we are judging others by the measure of their sin. 

Matthew 7:3-5

Jesus talking: We've focused on what everyone is doing, wehn we should be focused on our own sins. Instead of worrying about others and their sins, no matter how big or small, worry about your own sins. 

John 3:16-18

Let's get back to the basics of our salvation. We should go out and tell others about jesus but we've got blinders on. Until you work out your own salvation, how can you expect to show others what Jesus did for you?

Sin is sin is sin is sin is sin is sin, in God's eyes.  There's no such think as a little sin. Murder is the same size sin as a lie.  We have something that no one else can offer others, it's salvation. We can tell others what Jesus did for us and how He saved us and forgave our sins. 

Saved and lost alike will stand before God one day and will be held accountable for our actions. How many today can say they have someone in their lives who don't know Jesus? I know I do.

Salvation is a free gift. We don't need to focus on prosperity here. We need to focus on prosperity in gloryland. 

Just because people know historically Jeuss lived doesn't mean they're saved. It's a relationship with God that will secure your salvation. Repentence is what brings us to God.