
Sunday Morning Service

1 John 4:7-21

God's love is a pure love. Even the one's on death row today, Jesus died for them. It's not about our past, Jesus died to save us for our future with Him in eternity. It's because of that love, that God sent His son to be mocked, ridculed, with a crown of thorns shoved on His head, a spear in His side,  a spear in His side, and nailed to a cross. I don't deserve to live with my Lord in Heaven, but I'm so glad that He loves me.

He saved us from our own consequences. Now is the best time to accept your Lord and Savior. tomorrow might be too late. Even through our faults and mistakes, God still loves us. If you get saved by His grace, He will love you. And we should be thankful for His love. 

How can you say you have love in your heart if you don't know Jesus? If you ask which is more important, praying or reading the word of God, then I'd ask you, what's more important for you , inhaling or exhaling? Both are equally important. 

God doesn't love us like we love others. His love isn't conditional. He loves us because we're all His children. He doesn't say, "I love you, but..." He LOVES you! No conditions, no exceptions. He loves you because you're you and you are His. 

Why does God's love never fail? Because God never fails. 

Jesus is God in the flesh. It's easy to love self, to love sin. But loving self & sin is opposing to how God tells us we should love. 

Jesus paid it all. God showed us how much He loves us through His son, Jesus Christ.