
Sunday Evening Service

Psalm 1:1-?

There's a vast amount of knowledge in the Old Testament of Psalms and Proverbs. There are 31 Proverbs. We should read a chapter of Proverbs each day. 

As I told you this morning, the devil has no power over you. He might throw up hurdles in your way and cause you to stumble, but Jesus says, "enough is enough!"

If you haven't figureed it out in your Christian walk, Jesus is in charge not us. He wants to bless us. The road to salvation is named and some poeple won't find it. But Jesus doesn't pick who finds it. Broad is the gate and broad in the way that leads to destruction and many will find it. We don't need to be hanging around and getting advice from ungodly people. Listening to ungodly people is what Satan wants you to do.

God wants us to be a witness.

He sent us a savior and He wants us to tell everyone about Jesus. But Satan wants to block your testimony. But we have to remember that it's easier to sin when we're out in the world but if we pray, Jesus will keep us strong in our testimony. 

The law of the Lord = The Bible. We should be reading the Bible daily.