
Sunday Morning Service

Daniel 3:1-6, 12-30

We serve a living God. We don't serve a dead God. We serve the ONLY LIVING God that has ever been. God's not slack on His promies. He doesn't thow us to the wolves or in the fire and let you find your own way out. 

It's be the Grace of God that I'm standing here today. It's Jesus!! It ain't Kyle. It's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!!

When I heard the song, "He's still in the fire" by The Spears, I just started crying thinking about all that He's done for me. I know I wasn't worthy for what He did. But when I have Jesus my soul, and I got onto my knees, thanking Him for saving me. I know I didn't deserve it. But He saved me. I sold out to God.

No where in the Bible does it say that God gives you a certain amount of time to get saaved. WE have to realize that we're lost, so we can be found. Now is the time to be saved.

We know the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago. Nebuchadnessar made the image of gold, and told everyone that they had to bow down and worship this idol. But there was three who wouldn't turn their backs on God. Nebuchadnessar had threathened the people with being burned alive if they didn't worship his idol. That didn't stop Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago from worshiping God. 

The world will bring up a beautiful picutre and make you think that is what's best. We need to be prepared for Jesus. Be thankful God gives us a way out of everything that the world throws at us. One day you will have to stand before God and tell Him whom you serve.

One day we will be tested like this. If you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior before the Lord comes, you will need to say,  "I am willing to die for Jesus."

I knew that I was going to hell if I didn't accept Jesus into my heart. Satan doesn't have power against Jesus. He can throw stuff at you but Jesus keeps him at bay.

Are you going to serve God or will you serve the world? Not everyone will pass that test, but take the test, you will.

It's up to us to serve a mighty God.