
Sunday Morning Service

Psalms 18:1-6

2 Samuel 22

Have you heard of the theory of the survival of the fittest? It's taught in schools. I was taught that. A theory. But they won't teach Jesus. They took God, prayer, and the Bible out of the school. Natural selection is a theory. But Jesus is a fact. We're nto strong, but Jesus is. Survival of the strongest is with Jesus. 

Ways to make us stong of Jesus -

  1. Put Him first
  2. Pray without ceasing
  3. telling Him I love Him
  4. Tell Him you need Him
  5. Read your Bible
  6. Build your foundation of Jesus
  7. Be faithful in Church

God wants to have a relationship with us. Not a relationship that's kept at arms length, where you only call on Him when you think you need Him. 

David had a personal relationship with God. That doesn't mean that he didn't fail God from time to time. But David was, "a man after God's own heart."

God is not a rock, a fortress, a deliverer, a god, a strength, a shield, a horn of salvation, a high tower. He is MY rock, MY fortress, MY deliverer, MY God, MY strength, MY shield, MY horn of salvation, MY hight tower. 

The whole Pslam is a picture of what you and your relationship with Jesus should be. We should begin each and every day with telling God we love Him. We should spend time with Him and thanking and loving Him without asking for something.

Philippians 4:11-13

We don't have the strength to take a full on attach from Satan. The cross is Satan's defeat! When Jesus said, "it is finished," He was telling satan that he had lost and God had won.

God is ALWAYS with you in the battle.

Matthew 16:18

When the world/Satan attacks you, go to Jesus. He's your fortress. He will protect you and fight the fight with you.

Daniel 6:16-22