
Sunday Morning Service

1 John 5:12


We're suppose to know that it's guaranteed. We'd on't lose it once we have been saved. Eternal securirty is based on jesus. It's not based on us. If it was, we would be responsible for our own salvation. We don't obtain salvation trhough works. It's through the blood of Jesus. We didn't and don't deserve the mercy He gives us. But thank God He sees us differently.

1 John has so much about our eternal security.

1John 4:7-8

If you believe that Jsus is THE Christ that makes you of of God's children. God knew before He created the heaven and earth, He knew we were going to fail Him. But He knoew that He would send His son to save us.

John 3:16

God is the ONLY one who could have begotten Jesus. We need to recognize that Jesus IS God Himself. 

Jesus is the only way you can get saved today.

John 14:1

Hang your salvation on Jesus. We need to recognize that as Christians. Whosoever means everyone, not one particular set of peoples. What matters is the relationship you have with Jesus in your heart. Not what Bible believing, Bible preaching, Bible teaching church tells you. Every verse, every son, every Sunday school lesson points to Jesus.

  1. God/Jesus
  2. Others
  3. Self

How can we truly accept that Jesus is going to save me but don't have faith that He's real? Our salvation is dependeon us believing on/in Jesus. 

Matthew 22:36-40

Without the shedding of the blood, there is NO forgiveness of sins. - Hebrews 9:22