
Sunday Evening Service

1 John 5:1-12

Picking up where we left off this morning

Once Jesus saves us, we should have a desire to serve Him; to put Jesus 1st. When we're born again, we allow the Holy Spirit to move into our hearts and we lay everyitng down at His feet. We begin a relationship with Him. And a relationship with Jesus should be closer than any relationship you've ver had. 

What should we do to ensure our salvation? Believe on the Lord Jesus.

Every other word I say is Jesus. If I'm not preaching about Jesus, then I need to pulled aside. Jesus is always our #1 topic. 

The commandments, Jesus told us, while He was on this eart should be difficult for us to keep. If you don't have love in your hearts, then how can you keep the top 2 commandments? Love God first, and then love your neighbor second.

One thing we can do is share the love of Jesus with other people. Try to do just the ten commandments and see how fall short you get. I know I do. 

If you don't have joy in your heart about being a christian, then you need to reevaluate what's in your heart. 

It ain't easy to love everyone. It wasn't easy for Jesus to go to the cross. 

Being a believer is free. What you do after getting saved, is between you and God. 

Matthew 5:17-18

Jesus came to fullfill the law.

Jesus always takes care of what we need. None of us walked here tonight, I'll be the first to admit that I haven't missed a meal, since Jesus came into my life.

Matthew 11:28-30 & Matthew 17:20

Jesus said if we had faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed, we could command mountains. We are born of God. We could become overcomers of the world if we had faith in Jesus Christ. 

Don't underestimate the power of Christ. We're not born into the family of God. We're adopted once we accept Jesus into our hearts 

John 1:1

3 things that matter most to a Christian:

  1. The blood of Jesus
  2. The Holy Spirit
  3. Water = Word.