
Sunday Morning Service

Matthew 10:16-23

That new born babe saved me when I wasn't savable. How often we forget how awesome and powerful God truly is. How do people see me? Do they see Kyle as a changed man? or same ole, same ole?

The great commission - go out and tell everyone about Him.

It's not just in America but all over the world that people are geting saved and coming to know Christ. A lot of people think that just by going to church, how many times, you've been baptized, that you're saved from the firey pits of Hell. But it's a relationship with Jesus and only a relationship with Jesus that saves us from Hell. 

Jesus never said accepting me and following me will make your life easy. He never said there won't be trials between husband and wife, brother and sister, neighbor and neighbor. He said follow me and have everlasting life with me in heaven.

Nothing and no on can take your out of the hands of Jesus, once you get saved. Jesus is wrapped up in God the Father and nothing and no one can break that bond. Jesus said to love the people who are down and out. Love everyone who we come in contact with. 

Do you know, that you know, that you know, if youwere to die today that you're going to heaven? 

It's our job to spread the good news message. Don't give up teaching Jesus.