
Sunday Morning Service

Luke 2:6-14

This time of year is an exciting time for everyone. Everyone in the whole world is excited about this time. But why? Is it the food? The hams, and turkeys and dressings? But maybe for the little ones it's Santa Claus and the gifts he'll bring. But that's not the true reason to celebrate Christmas. The true reason is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Why are we excited about Christmas but don't know the meaning. So many peole don't want to know the meaning. 

The greatest gift is our Salvation. The birth of Jesus Christ was not a natural event. It was a miracle. 

Isaiah 9:6

Matthew 1:1-17 - The geneology of Christ

Matthew 1:23, 1:20

The birth of Jesus was a supernatural event. He came off His throne to die for you and me. Jesus never committed a sin, and they still took Him to the cross for our sins. 

Yes, He was a prophet, but He was more. He is a king, He's a priest, but still so much more. He's God incarnate. 

Even His name screams that He is the Savior.