
Sunday Evening Service

Galatians 4:4-7

The birth of Christ is truly a miracle. God didn't send Jesus to us because He had to. He did it because He loves us. God ain't on time or late, but He's exactly at the time when we need Him. He will come when we need Him the most. 

So many verses tell us of the birth of Christ through the old testament and new. The way God sent forth His son followed the scripture to a "t".

Genesis 3:15

The law lets us know we need a savior first off. Second, it lets us know we're going to hell if we can't complete the law. 

We need to remember that we don't need to be in charge and ackowledge that we are not above the Father. He sent His only begotten Son, not to live in this world, but to die in this world. 

Think about what Jesus did for us.

Romans 8:16-17

He did it all for you, me, and all the people of this world. Even the people on death row, even the people who worship satan. He died for us all.

Hebrews 4:16