
Sunday Morning Service

Ephesians 6:1-4

The Bible teaches we're suppose to honor our parents. This isn't just for the young people,  this is for older people too. You're still someone's child. Honoring your parents doesn't stop when we grew kup. It's a life long decision to honor our parents. Even if they've passed away. We honor those who have passed, by the lives we lead.

You honor your parents by showing others to love Jesus wants us to show. Why should we obey our parents? When we're younger it's because they made the decisions. When we're hurt or in trouble, who do we go to? Mom and dad.

It's amazing to me at how many people dishonor our mothers and fathers. Especially in this country. When you make the decisions for your parents without discussing those decisions is dishonoring them and your kids are watching you. 

Your parents have been through more than you have. Even when you think you know it all. The problem with America today is we don't take over kids to the woodshed. As I get older I realize how smart my parents were/are. They know more about what I was going to do than I did.  There is nothing wrong with listening to your parents. 

Your parents don't make decisions to hurt you. They make decisions about what's best for you. Submit to your parents; Parents whip your children. It's sad to know how many children will disrespect their parents. 

Exodus 20:12 - Honor your parents by showing them respect.

1 John 3:1

We need to be constantly talking to our children about Jesus.

Colossians 3:21 - Don't discourage your children

Proverbs 29:15 & 17, 22:6 & 15

God our father will correct us when we get off the path. Parents correct your children with love.