
Sunday Evening Service

Galatians 5:18-21

Matthew 22

I neglected to say this morning that Jesus died on the cross for us. We can return that love to Him by having a loving relationship with Him. We can have wonderful relationships with our families and spouses but we should have a better relationship with Jesus. 

He loved us so much that He let them beat Him, mock Him, and kill Him on that hill called Galgotha. We need to live as Jesus did because we can rely on Him. We need to put Jesus first and above all others. 

The guideline for our lives should be the word of God. We talk to God through prayer and He talks to us through the Bible. The law of love is written in our hearts. We know right from wrong. Those morals came from God; without God we are dirty filthy rags.

We are under the age of grace. That means we are saved by grace. The law teaches us that we are in need of A SAVIOR!!!

If we're not under tha law, we're under grace.

Jesus is the only way to heaven. The blood of Jesus gives us eternal security. If we could lose our salvation we would. But when Jesus savges our soul, there's nothing that can take it out of His hands. If you commit the works of the flesh and don't repent and ask Jesus to save your soul, you won't be allowed into Heaven.

When you idolzie things, whether it's a whiskey bottle, the T.V., the cell phone, or even social media, you're putting those in front of God. Putting anything before God is a sin. It will destroy not only you but your testimony as well.  

If you can actively sin and feel no conviction, and those sins don't boetyher you, then you need to re-evaluate your life. Because if sin doesn't bother you, Jesus Christ isn't the one living in your heart. It's something else.