
Sunday Morning Service

1 John 3:1-5

The love we have for one another holds no bounds. The love between two people is the strongest power there is. The love Jesus had for us shows how strong love is. Nothing can take away the love He has for us. Before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, something was missing in my life. I believe that was the love of Jesus Christ. Jesus showed us how to love and how much He loved us by giving His life for our sins. 

You might have love on the outside, but there is something missing doeep down if you don't have Jesus as your savior. We should put other people ahead of ourselves. Jesus put the sick, the lame, the deaf, the blind, and the lepers, all of us, ahead of Himself. That's how much He loves us. 

Vrs 1 - In other words - What an AWESOME love God has for you. It's a love only God can give you. It's a love that comes through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only one who can pay our sin debt. He's the only one who can save our souls. He's the only one who can stand in front of The Father and say, "He paid for our sins."

How many of you can say you have a family member or know someone who needs Jesus in their heart? Why should others want our love if they don't see a change in us? 

When we get saved, we are children of God! We are adopted into the royal family, we are kin to THE KING! We should be excited for Jesus 24/7/365/52 weeks. 

Psalms 82:6

Nobody will pluck you out of the hand of Jesus.