
Sunday Morning Service
  1. Song of Solomon 2:15
  2. John 15:1-6
  3. Galatians 5:22

1.) The small foxes can spoil the vine. The tender grapes of love. We put up our guard when it's big things, but the secret sins or little things we don't put up our guard. But we don't have the joy in our hearts or the love that we should. We as Christians should constantly be in battle with things that are not appropriate in God's eyes. The little foxes are like our secret sins.

2.) If you're not sharing the fruit of the spirit with others, how will they come to know God? The most important decision you'll ever make is accepting the Lord Jesus as your personal savior. Only by grace through faith can we be saved. 

3.) Jesus is the true vine. There's only one way we can get to heaven. That's through Jesus Christ. Without Jesus, we can't do anything.