
Sunday Evening Service

Luke 5: 17-26

4 times of people we meet in Luke 5.

  1. Peter - He had to make the coffession we all need to make. He was lost.
  2. a man full of leprosy - next we need to believe Jesus can cleanse us.
  3. paralitic - Jesus will cleanse you from your sins before healing your physical problems.
  4. Levi (Matthew) - Jesus will tell you to follow Him.

Who all is in the ministry? Anyone who names the name of Christ. It's all of our responsiblity to follow Christ.

Who you find in a church:

  1. People who are saved - who do good works.
  2. People who need to be saved - who are close but haven't quite got there.
  3. Lost people who know little to nothing about Jesus.
  4. Those that are sitting by - bank on church membership their giving, good deeds, that all that will get them to Heaven. 

The praise of men won't get you far when trying into heaven. Spiritually, sin will paralize you. But as we read in verse 20, Jesus does as Jesus does. He forgave and cleansed the man

Have you come to Jesus and let Him forgive you?