
Sunday Morning Service

James 4:7-10

How committed are we to Christ? How really committed are we to His path? When you look at what being a Christian really means, how committed are we to Christ?

Your relationship with Christ should and needs to be better and closer than your relationship with your parents, your spouse, your kids, etc. Your relationship with Christ should be top priority. 

Jesus already proved His committment to us by giving His life for us. 

Husbands don't want to share their wives with anyone else. Wives don't want to share their husbands with anyone else. Why would you expect Jesus to share you with anyone else? Jesus wants you to be in a relationship with HIm, 100%.

James said to submit yourself to God and resist the devil. Through the authority of Christ, we are able to rebuke the devil.

James said to resist the devil and he will flee because he doesn't want to face Jesus. 

Call on the blood of Jesus and the devil will flee.

Don't let the devil throw hurdles up that will mess with your commitment to Jesus. We have to make the first step to Jesus with our submission to God.

Revelations 3:20

We've got to open the door to our hearts when Christ knocks.

If husbands and wives are not connected to each other, it's a one-sided relationship. Husbands are the head of the household, it's our responsibility to bring our families to Jesus.

Double-minded means the world on one side and Jesus on the other. You can't do a balancing act between the two. Jesus don't want a person who is on the fence. Either you choose Him or you choose the world. Either way you have to make a choice.

  1. Submit yourself to God
  2. Commit yourself to God
  3. Get convicted by God
  4. Humble yourself unto the Lord and He will lift you up.