
Sunday Morning Service

James 3:1-10

Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never heart me. But James and the Bible tell us different words can hurt and can even be devistating. Words, especially hurtful words, can devistate your testimony.

Even Christians have to be aware of the words that come out of our mouths. Even me. I have to bridle my tongue. We all fall short of what is expected of us.

Remember, James, being the half-brother of Jesus, had a special relationship with Him. What he's talkinga bout in these verses is that we need to be careful o fwho is the teachers of our church. Teachers have a big responsibility and need to be teaching the truth as God intended. 

When we're saved, and the Holy Spirit moves in. When you do wrong, you feel it in your heart, that's called conviction. That's what happens when God puts a bit in your mouth to lead you the right way. Just like we do a horse.

If you can't say anything good, and can't lead someone to Christ, then don't say anything at all.

Psalms 39:1

It takes years to build a testimony and minutes to lose it.

Psalms 32:9

  1. Grow in Christ - on your hands and knees, pray, confess, fellowship
  2. Avoid gossip - Keep things to yourself.
  3. Stick to the gospel; The Word of God - There's nothing better, no place better to find the truth.

When we control our tongues, we control our bodies.